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Last Updated:
1/7/2025 4:11 PM

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Here are Miko (previously Helen) and Kiki (previously Coco).  They are doing great! Miko had no problem recognizing her little girl the first minute Kiki arrived with her meowing. She licked her the entire body and followed her everywhere. Now, they eat a lot, play a lot, and cuddle each other a lot   
Thank you for rescuing them and bring them to our life! 


Joey was adopted a few weeks ago ( it is 4/15/2018). We had tried a female Gemma but she didn't take a shine to their existing boy Miles. As you can see from the pictures that isn't a problem for Joey.


Very happy adopter and kitty!



Dear Cat Tales Rescue saviors,

My daughter and I adopted Mistletoe (Christmas Angel)  Saturday  and we wanted you to know that she was just what our family needed.  She was the perfect baby.  After we got home and started the bonding process we kept looking at her mark on her forehead and it really looked like an A.  I jokingly said A stands for our Angel.  It stuck and her new name is Christmas Angel, Angel for short.  We had to put Christmas in her name to keep with the theme of her original name.
Again thank you for all you do saving all those precious cats and giving them a chance at a wonderful life.
Merry Christmas and Blessings to you all!
The Hellyer Family



I wanted to let you know that Kiki is doing wonderful.
We've renamed her Sandy.
She runs around here like she owns the place & she has slept on me every night so far.
She follows us around everywhere & wants to be in the same room as her people - whether it be for play or snuggles.
She quickly learned that our yellow labrador dog, Regis, is more afraid of her than she is of him.
We've even caught her swatting at his tail a couple of times already.
Our other 2 cats are not warming up as quickly & maintain their distance but also are not showing signs of aggression, which is a good start.
I wanted you to convey to the fosterer about what an awesome job they did.
Sandy is a well-adjusted, healthy, people-oriented critter and it has made her addition so easy.
Please pass our kudos along to them.
Take care & thanks for the great job that you all do.

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